Inktober Week 4 Prompts
Jean: Buddy
MP: Float
MP chose an excellent subject for her drawing to represent Float, that of a turtle she saw while at the Singapore zoo. Her method is to use Canson 300gsm hot pre ss paper with a light underdrawing in HB graphite pencil for form and structure. Then, with a brush she has applied washes of Sennelier ink in different shades to achieve luminous colours. Finally detail is added using a Unipin Fine Line black pen 0.1 and a Signo white pigment pen for highlights.
Her result is delightful!
Monika: Buddy
Using a KAWS sculpture as the inspiration for her work Buddy; Brian Donnelly's 'Companionship in the Age of Loneliness' HERE. Monika has sketched it lightly in HB then shaded and lightly washed with Inktense Indigo and Sea blue. Using 0.4 fineliners in black and blue she has worked over the top of the Inktense washes. Monika says she found the fineliners reacted in a surprising way over the Inktense and was not happy with the result. I don't think it is that bad, it is an experiment and challenging to attempt. Perhaps mixing the two colored pen crosshatching together might have worked a bit better - so a little blue in the black and a little black in the blue.
Drawing with colour inks can be a challenge, but also rewarding. Experiment and practice, look online for different techniques to see how other artists such as MIKE LYON or JEAN HSU approach it. Full marks for giving it a go - don't give up on it Monika!
Monika: Blade (week 20)
By the way Monika, I have really enjoyed how each week you have brought to our attention different artists/illustrators who used ink and etching in their work. These have all been favourite of mine and it is wonderful to review their works again - thank you!