Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Inagural Edward Hefferman Drawing Prize

Viewing from Thursday 27 October 2022 until Monday 7 November 2022
Opening Night, Wednesday 2 November at 7pm
Cato Gallery & Mackley Members' Room
The 'Edward Heffernan Drawing Prize' is awarded in honour of Edward Heffernan, past president of VAS from 1977 to 1980. He served on the VAS Council for 12 years and was also awarded the Distinguished VAS Service Award, Honorary life Membership, VAS Fellowship and the Order of Australia Medal for his services to the Arts.
Drawing by Edward Heffernan
This Exhibition is made possible through a bequest from the estate of his wife Maree Elizabeth Heffernan, who was the proprietor of the Gordon Edgerton Gallery and assisted Edward with editing the Victorian Artists Society’s Journal. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

'Cleft; Hawley Beach, Tasmania'


'Cleft, Hawley Beach, Tasmania' by Linda Weil©

If you have been to Wilson's Prom in Victoria, you will be familiar with the granite boulders and rock formations that feature there. The Prom is the exposed link in a chain of underwater granite mountains that continue southward to form islands across the Bass Strait and on to eastern Tasmania.

This small graphite drawing is a study of just such a jumble of granite rocks I observed while walking on Hawley Beach, near Devonport in Tasmania. I was taken by the similarities of the geology in the area to Wilson's Prom and Flinders Island and did several small on-site sketches before completing this studio drawing later.  It is created with graphite pencil on Saunders Waterford 300gsm Hot Press paper, A4 size. Some indenting was used to create pock holes in the rocks, and a bit of smoothing out using a paper stump to create the stains and water washed rock surface. The rest of the work was overdrawn with graphite pencils ranging from 2H, F, HB, 2B and 4B.

This work is for sale, and you can view it at the upcoming VAS Art School exhibition at the Victorian Artists Society, 14-24 October VAS 

Correction - this work has been held over until the Little Treasures exhibition 2 - 13 Dec VAS - alternate works have been selected for the Art School exhibition - still worth viewing!

Opening night for the Art School exhibition will be Tuesday, 18 October at 7pm. VAS