Oh my giddy Aunt! It is already March - where did February go? I have been remiss in updates last month, no excuse, just my brain being on vacation.
But classes during the past month have gone very well. Our theme is 'Furry Critters', and the aim was to draw a small Australian animal first in graphite and a second with water soluble graphite. The first animal was a sugar glider I supplied and all students did the same image. My work was a series of small demonstrations of how to create fur techniques, so I don't really have any completed work to show you, just this page of tests and fur demos - its a phone shot so top is a bit flashed out:
Fur demos, etc.
Reference image, goal was to create a realistic image that elimnated the 'flash' effect of the photo.
Classes did great works from this reference and we moved on next to using water soluble graphite in our next drawing as tonal base. Image was each artists personal choice. Some did wombats, or koalas or quoka, and even some spinnifex hopping mice.
I did a small bandicoot from an image I had taken at the Healsville Sanctuary. The process was to draw directly onto your 300gsm hot press paper with the water soluble pencil (I used 4B Derwent Sketch and Wash pencil), then move the graphite with water to create soft background effect and fur undertones. Once this preliminary tonal work was done, overdrawing in standard graphite to create fur and background.
This is my work, nearly finished. There are several things I still need to work on (such as reducing the sharp transition from light to dark arund the head area) but you can see the effect and resulting technique of combining the wash graphite and the dry graphite.
WIP 'Bandicoot' by Linda Weil© 2024
Next week we start an animal drawing in colour pencils! fun!
Here are a few upcoming shows you might like to visit: