Friday, 28 February 2025

Exhibiting in London!

 I was thrilled to have a work accepted in The Royal Society of British Artists Annual Exhibition 2025 at the Mall Galleries in London!

'Lepus' is hung and now on display! This is the second showing of 'Lepus', first seen here in Melbourne at Tacit Art in 2024.

 'Lepus' ©Linda Weil 2024. Graphite and colour pencil on tea-stained 300gsm paper


The Royal Society of British Artists is hosting an exciting programme of events throughout the exhibition, with exciting lectures, workshops and talks.
The exhibition will be open until 8 March 2025, from 10am to 5pm.

You can see the full exhibition online at the Mall Galleries website HERE 

or follow these instagram links:
#MallGalleries #RBA25 #RoyalSocietyofBritishArtists #Artist #ArtLondon #Exhibition #Contemporaryexhibition #LondonGallery

Fabulous Fungi Demos

 We've been working in graphite and inks 'from life' - common supermarket button and cap mushrooms. Just experimenting with using pencils and various types of inks. Here are few of the deomonstration works I completed in class.

 Class 1. Mushroom 'notes' from JM Laws video 'Drawing Mushrooms'. LINK

Class 2: Graphite studies 'from life

 Class 3: Ink studies 'from life' and previous notes
Ink study 'from life' - thank you James for the oyster 'shroom!

 Ink study from personal photo. Lamy pen, Tombo markers