Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Completed Feline Demo

 The Serval Cat

It was such a disjointed class year in 2021. However, we did manage to have several weeks finally towards the end of the year together. In spite of the long Covid break, I decided to continue with the exercise of drawing a feline (any type of cat) using a limited palette plus graphite.

This is a great exercise to try as it helps to break you of the habit of expecting to find an exact color match in your pencils which can be nearly impossible. It also teaches you how to create vibrant, exciting dark browns and blacks without resorting to the dull and flat browns and black in your set.

I have had a work on the go for a number of years now as a demonstration piece showing this technique. Over the years in various classes and workshops I have worked through bits of this serval- the eyes, ears, hair, etc. Now, at last, she has been completed and I am rather pleased with the final result. I used Staedtler Karat Watercolor pencils - the four used were: #63 blue, #16 yellow ochre, #49 dark yellow ochre and #222 peach. To create the grey tones Staedtler 2mm techno pencils in 2H, HB, 2B and 4B with assistance from an F 'woodie'. You can see some pencil testing scribbles on the bottom right of the work.

It's rather fun to see the range of color and tones you can achieve with a limited palette and greys!

The Serval Cat by Linda Weil ©

I bet some of you who were in my workshop 6 years ago never thought I would complete this one! lol.

Have a safe and happy New Year all - see you in 2022!

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Christmas Greetings!

 Wishing you all the very best for the holiday season. Here's hoping for a bright, happy 2022!

Friday, 17 December 2021

January Workshop

Good news! The Pastel Pencil workshop, January 12/13 at the Victorian Artist's Society will be going ahead. There are still a few spots left, so don't think you have missed out, but go to the VAS website and book online to secure your place as soon as you can.

Pastel pencils are a wonderful drawing medium; they seem familiar to us the moment we pick them up and start to draw. They are a versatile medium, slightly softer than a traditional 'hard' pastel stick like conté but harder than a soft pastel round. As the pastel is encased in wood it makes it really easy to handle and use - with far less dust than soft pastels.

Although the workshop is branded as 'pets', the techniques I am teaching translate well to other genre. If you are a beginner in this medium, a good starter set is the Staedtler Mars pastel 6 pencil set -  available at Officeworks - in store or online. Additional colors will be available for you to borrow as required. A full list of requirements is provided to you when you book. The medium is great fun to use and I guarantee you will enjoy working with them.


'Glenda's Cat' by Linda Weil ©

Monday, 13 December 2021

The Biblio Art Prize

 A Weekend in Port Fairy

I have spent a glorious weekend in Port Fairy, Victoria, strolling the shops and market, walking on the beach and to the Lighthouse, sipping chai at Charlies, visiting friends... and of course, most importantly, viewing the Biblio Art Prize at Blarney Books and Art. 

What a fabulous exhibition of wide ranging styles and approach to each artist's assigned book. The Grand Prize winner is a marvelous diorama work by Dianne Jacono inspired by the novel 'Eye of the Rook' by Josephine Taylor. This work was my favorite in the exhibition so I was very pleased by Dianne's win. You can see the entire exhibition online HERE. Don't forget to vote for your favorite!

Although my entry did not gain a mention, it is a finalist and it is ideally positioned and is one of the first you see as you enter the gallery:

Pen and ink work inspired by 'Friends and Dark Shapes'; author Kavita Bedford
© Linda Weil 2021

The Biblio Art Prize show runs all summer, finishing at the end of February. If you can, I'd encourage you to make a trip to see this wonderful exhibition.


Of course, there is plenty to do in Port Fairy and environs. Places to visit on the way, like Tower Hill and Logan's Beach Whale nursery (we saw no whales, wrong season).

In Port Fairy itself we took a walk to the Lighthouse where I did a small sketch. Much to see on the walk there - wildlife like Black Wallaby, birds - especially the Short Tailed Shearwater as the island is a nesting sanctuary for these mutton birds - and of course, beautiful ocean views.

Port Fairy Lighthouse - image and sketch by Linda Weil ©

And on the way home, we detoured and took the long way home driving the top end of the Great Ocean Road. Stopping along the way to take in breathtaking views in places like the Bay of Islands. Photos cannot do this place justice.

Part of the stunning views at The Bay of Islands along The Great Ocean Road.
Image by Linda Weil ©

All in all, a fabulous weekend away! I hope I have inspired you to take a bit of a road trip this summer and visit Port Fairy and the Biblio Art Prize at Blarney Books and Art.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Nice Things 2

 One of my Thursday Afternoon Drawing students is a Mosaic Artist. GW's drawings often reflect her interest in mosaic by using tonal blocks to create form and shape. She has an excellent eye for form, tone and color. GW presented to me one of her fabulous mosaic's as a Christmas gift. 

This lively cockatoo is done in specialized mosaic glass - GW did tell me and I think the term was 'smalti' glass. She buys large sheets of the glass direct from Italy and cuts it into the shapes she needs. A pains-taking and somewhat dangerous process! This type of glass doesn't fade or change color so is perfect for outdoor use. The designs she creates are her own and this cockatoo is part of her bird range of tiles. The tiles have holes in the sides and are made to attach to a garden trellis.

If anyone would like to see more of GW's mosaic works, please contact me via the menu right and I will put her in touch with you. They are very special works. Thank you GW!

'Cockatoo' by Gayle Whyte


More in my garden...

I am not a great gardener. And living in the Sand Belt it can be difficult to get things established and growing. I sort of have a 50/50 strike rate for seedlings surviving - even in our current wet spring.

But I have strawberries! Okay, only a few in a pot in a grow bag, and they are somewhat deformed, but I have strawberries! And they taste GREAT even if they look odd. It is a race to get to them before the blackbirds though.



The Biblio Art Prize opens this coming weekend in Port Fairy. There will be no opening event, but the exhibition will run from Saturday 11 December until the end of February. Why not take a short weekend break and visit the Great Ocean Road and Port Fairy? I will be in Port Fairy this weekend if you are in the area and would like to catch up. Let Jo know when you are there and she will contact me.

My entry this year is my response to the book 'Friends and Dark Shapes' by the Australian author, Kavita Bedford.

Artwork for 'Friends and Dark Shapes' Linda Weil

Blarney Books and Art

37 James Street Port Fairy, Victoria 3284

5568 2174

0437 754847

insta:     blarneybooksandart

email:    jo@blarneybooks.com.au

December Opening Hours:

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun 11am - 5pm.

Closed: 18-28 December.

January Opening Hours:
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat  11am - 5pm.