Thursday, 31 March 2022

Inktober52 Week 12

 Week 12! Can you believe that? Already 12 weeks into Inktober52 - only 40 more to go. lol.

I seem to be doing a lot of things with water this year, so my take on 'Break' is a study of a wave breaking.

#12 Break by Linda Weil ©


EM has combined two prompts #11 Lush with lusciously lips and #12 Break with a broken lipstick. She has used Inktense Pan media to create the rich red color.

#11 & #12 Lush/Break by EM ©


SW has drawn her pal Buddy taking a holiday for #12 Break. From the way those palm trees are bending I think Buddy has indulged in a few too many cakes on this holiday break!

 #12 Break by SW ©


And I already have an idea for this weeks prompt. This is the blurb from the Inktober people, but I think I will do something else. Maybe.

"Close your eyes and imagine with us you’re somewhere on a tropical island. As you’re walking along looking for shells and small sea creatures you come across something shiny and clear. As you uncover it and pull it out, you find it’s a fine glass bottle with a rolled-up scroll inside. Your imagination begins to run. Where did this bottle come from? What could the scroll say? What used to be in this bottle? Have fun showing us the answers as you run with this week’s prompt: Bottle."

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Workshop #2 at Blarney Books and Art!

 Join me on ANZAC weekend - but hurry it is filling up fast, places limited.

Monsters of the Deep



Exploring Fantasy Sea Creatures.
Illustration Workshop #2

Presented by Linda Weil.

Sunday, April 24. 

1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

$45 pp. Limited Tix.

Blarney Books & Art, 37 James St, Port Fairy

Artist Linda Weil
returns to deliver a
second illustration workshop
- this time focusing on
fantasy sea creatures!

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Inktober52 Catch Up: #9, 10, & 11...and new prompt

 Been a busy few weeks and I have fallen behind in my Inktober52 drawings. So I sat down and did some quickie drawings - nothing terribly inspired and I haven't finished one, but they fill the page!

My direction in art is a bit confused at the moment. #9 Direction. Linda Weil©

Wingnuts take flight in a Jackson Booth sky. #10 Flight. Linda Weil©

I lost interest in this one and did not finish. #11 Lush. Linda Weil©

#12 is 'Break'. Think holiday break, broken hearts, china, etc.


EM has done some catching up too with the following great works! I enjoyed her take on Direction, and love the Flight concept.

#8 Spot by EM

#9 Direction by EM

#10 Flight by EM


And we welcome back SW from her overseas trip visiting family! She has combined prompt 10 Flight with prompt 11 Lush. I wonder if Buddy is in that balloon?

#10 & 11, Lush & Flight by SW

Friday, 11 March 2022

Grimm Interview

 I was interviewed by Graeme Johnstone for the Friday Magazine show on 88.3 Southern FM. You can listen to the interview HERE 

Scroll down the page to Friday and find the Friday Magazine slot at 9am to 11am. Click the sound bar to start the show and fast forward to time slot 38.20 for the beginning of the interview.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Inktober52 #7: Spot

 What with new exhibitions, openings, travel and other commitments I have fallen behind with updating for Inktober52. But here are this week's prompt drawings for 'Spot'.

'Spot 1' by Linda Weil©. For this one I was thinking 'round peg in a square hole' concept.

'Spot 2' by Linda Weil©. As we have been doing boats during class, I thought I would try a sketch of a dingy in ink and named it 'Spot'.

I know I have left it late and there will be another new prompt on Friday, but this weeks prompt is 'Direction' and hopefully you will still have the time to complete a work.


Sunday, 6 March 2022

Grimm at Blarney Books, Port Fairy

A wonderful weekend at Port Fairy at the opening and workshop of my solo 'Grimm Visions' at Blarney Books and Art in Port Fairy.  If I may say, it looks fantastic.

The workshop was well attended and everyone created some fantastical and imaginative fantasy animal drawings. Jo will update the BB&A Facebook page with images from this event so have a look HERE 

And a Jo has requested to extend the show until the Easter weekend! So if you cannot get up to PF for the Folk Festival, why not try for an Easter break in this beautiful little town?

Entry to Grimm Visions

Grimm Visions at Blarney Books and Art, Port Fairy

Blarney Books and Art is at 37 James Street, Port Fairy (just off the main drag of Bank St.)