Week 12! Can you believe that? Already 12 weeks into Inktober52 - only 40 more to go. lol.
I seem to be doing a lot of things with water this year, so my take on 'Break' is a study of a wave breaking.
#12 Break by Linda Weil ©
EM has combined two prompts #11 Lush with lusciously lips and #12 Break with a broken lipstick. She has used Inktense Pan media to create the rich red color.
#11 & #12 Lush/Break by EM ©
SW has drawn her pal Buddy taking a holiday for #12 Break. From the way those palm trees are bending I think Buddy has indulged in a few too many cakes on this holiday break!
#12 Break by SW ©
And I already have an idea for this weeks prompt. This is the blurb from the Inktober people, but I think I will do something else. Maybe.
"Close your eyes and imagine with us you’re somewhere on a tropical island. As you’re walking along looking for shells and small sea creatures you come across something shiny and clear. As you uncover it and pull it out, you find it’s a fine glass bottle with a rolled-up scroll inside. Your imagination begins to run. Where did this bottle come from? What could the scroll say? What used to be in this bottle? Have fun showing us the answers as you run with this week’s prompt: Bottle."