Monday 30 December 2019

Aero Naut Final

With a twist!

Here is hoping you have all had a very Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year!
Sometimes when working on a project, you need to reassess your original plan. In my previous post you will have seen that this drawing was planned as a verticle format image. However, while working on it and building up the main shell image I was having some trouble with the paddle wheel - it seemed to be turning in the wrong direction pushing the Nautilus backwards instead of forward through the clouds.  I had to turn the work around to avoid smudging as I drew. As I did so I began suddenly noticed that when in the horizontal position this paddle wheel was turning the correct direction - and the Nautilus was suddenly surfing down the cloud scape instead of battling through it!
So, my brain boggled a bit, but settleded down and the work flowed and became more coherent. 
Here is the final result:

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