Term 1 and Term 2
As part of my teaching method I like to demonstrate technique by drawing along with my students and create a smaller work. I often do not have time to finish these pieces in class, but when I can I complete in the home studio.
In our first term this year we studied birds. The focus was on composition and use of color pencil with graphite. The work also had to include a background of some variety. I chose to create a drawing featuring a family of blue wrens in different morphs (male and female adult, sub-adult, juvenile) on a winter bramble. All the birds came from personal reference shots and were positioned into a pleasing narrative composition. The background is a soft rendering of brambles and hatching effect.
'Family Conference' - Color and Graphite pencil on Fabriano Artistico Hot Press 300 gsm paper
by Linda Weil 2021
Second Term has been concentrating on canines. We began the term by looking at the features of a canine and studying the anatomy using graphite pencil. Using the knowledge gained from those studies I asked the students to draw a sketch of their chosen canine starting with the skeletal anatomical structure then adding the flesh/fur overlay. This was to encourage understanding of the underlying structure of the animal, proportions and relationships. Once the sketch was finished the outline of this was transferred to better quality drawing paper and a rendered drawing in graphite was done. Including a background was encouraged.
I used some photos I had taken of dingo while on Fraser Island and in a local wildlife rescue sanctuary in the Wide-Bay region. Currently there is a controversy over the proposed dingo fence on Fraser Island as there is concern over limiting the free range of the dog. The issue seems to be people interacting with the wild animal causing the dingo becoming habituated and losing their fear of humans. This has resulted in injuries to humans. The solution proposed is to fence out the dingo, greatly reducing it's range and ease of movement across the island. ABC News
I have conflicting views on this solution - while I don't want the dingo restricted, neither to I want to see people, especially children hurt. The people living on the island must make the best decision they can and I do not envy them their dilemma.
Anatomy study showing underlying bone structure with flesh overlay
Completed drawing 'Don't Fence Me In' - Graphite pencil on
Fabriano Artistico 300gsm Hot Press Paper by Linda Weil 2021
Both of these works will be on display at the AGRA seasonal Winter Exhibition 2-13 June, AGRA Galleries, 1 Inglesby Street, Camberwell Victoria.
PS: Don't forget to sign up for the FANTASY CREATURES workshop in Port Fairy May 29!