Sunday, 18 July 2021
Whew, lock down #5 is proving somewhat tedious, eh? So, if like me you are at loose ends, feeling a little Melbourne Winter blahs and 'over it', here is a little challenge for you.
Drag out your old Nature Journal (remember those?). Now between rain showers, dash out into the garden or down to the local park - masked up and within your 5k radius of course - and find a leaf or branch or bit of bark that interests you. Now scurry home and do a nature study page in your journal. Think about including:
➼ A color study
➼ A linear study of the shape, measurements, etc
➼ Fruits, nuts or flowers if available - or go online and find a photo
➼ Name of the plant, species etc
➼ Some information about the plant, location found, leaf type, stem type, etc
➼ Google the history and add some of that
You can make your page as scientific as you like, or fill it with poetry and prose. Make it pretty or make it plain. Take 5 minutes or 50 minutes or as long as you like.
Photograph it and send it to me and I will post it here!
A Covid drawing challenge is a great initiative because people are in pandemic. But art helps man happy. Rebecca Tolk