Saturday 17 July 2021

A Covid drawing challenge

 Sunday, 18 July 2021

Whew, lock down #5 is proving somewhat tedious, eh? So, if like me you are at loose ends, feeling a little Melbourne Winter blahs and 'over it', here is a little challenge for you.

Drag out your old Nature Journal (remember those?). Now between rain showers, dash out into the garden or down to the local park - masked up and within your 5k radius of course - and find a leaf or branch or bit of bark that interests you. Now scurry home and do a nature study page in your journal. Think about including:

➼ A color study
➼ A linear study of the shape, measurements, etc
➼ Fruits, nuts or flowers if available - or go online and find a photo
➼ Name of the plant, species etc
➼ Some information about the plant, location found,  leaf type, stem type, etc
➼ Google the history and add some of that 

Japanese Sacred Bamboo study - July 2020

You can make your page as scientific as you like, or fill it with poetry and prose. Make it pretty or make it plain. Take 5 minutes or 50 minutes or as long as you like.

Photograph it and send it to me and I will post it here!

Three leaves: Tonal, color, linear studies with pressed leaves

1 comment:

  1. A Covid drawing challenge is a great initiative because people are in pandemic. But art helps man happy. Rebecca Tolk
