Monday 16 August 2021

Covid #6 another challenge


This weeks challenge builds on last week. You will need:
- a tall glass, preferably simple, not cut or beveled crystal. A clear beer glass works well.
- a pencil, brush, or similar long thin object
- water
-your chosen paper and graphite pencils (or charcoal pencils)

There are many different articles you can google about the physics of refractions if you want to study the math of it. But for our purposes we are going to use simple observation and rule of thumb measurements. 

Fill your glass with water about 3/4 way full. Place it on a white sheet of paper. Put your pencil into the water. Closely observe how the water refracts the appearance of the pencil. Look at the surface tension of the water pulling at the sides of the glass and around the pencil. Note any distortion to the pencil as the water and glass curves the appearance of the pencil. Now, remembering last week's exercise on curves and perspective, draw the glass with the pencil in it.

Refractions in a glass #1, ©Linda Weil

Second Refraction Challenge

Once you have done the simple (ha!) challenge above, why not do a more complex observation? Some suggestions:
- Use a cut crystal glass instead of smooth glass and drive yourself nuts with all the bevels
- Pour yourself a cocktail in a martini glass. Draw the olive with toothpick sticking out. Or the little umbrella. Drink the martini after. You deserve it!
- Put a straw into something like a half full bottle of soft drink 
- Use a spoon instead of a pencil 
- Go to the garden, cut a flower, put it in a glass and draw that in color inks.

Refractions in a glass #2, ©Linda Weil

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