Saturday 14 August 2021

More Covid #6 Challengers

 Good to see a few of you working on this! And if you have sent me examples of other works privately I will get around to answering you shortly, please be patient with me. 😁

KM says she was not in the class where we investigated drawing glass in perspective, so she has found this exercise a bit tricky. My apology KM, trying to work out how to draw ovals in a perspective box can be tricky if I cannot demonstrate and explain in person. If you remind me, when (and if) we ever get back to in-person classes I can go through this technique in more detail with you. But there is also THIS page that has a lot of information on it if you wish to try it on your own first. It gets quite complicated, but just look at the pictures and that will help.

So, KM has made a good attempt at her coffee cup without having had the benefit of my class on perspective. I like the attention paid to the coffee and the reflections inside the cup. As well she has observed the surface design well. However, the basic perspective of the circles is not correct and the result is that we are looking at a cup from two different angles. The top of the mug is almost an overhead view, whereas the bottom and handle are a front on view.

But it still works as a good cup drawing. In fact, I still like it and it is reminiscent of a Picasso sketch of a cup where he does almost the same thing, viewing it from different angles in one work: CUP

Cup by KM

Next time, if KM wanted to draw this cup and correct the viewpoint, the top of the mug oval should be less rounded, something like this (and the spiral lines would also reflect these ovals):

EM has enjoyed this challenge so much that she has made a second attempt! Once again she has chosen something difficult with lots of perspective ovals - her gym drink bottle. Unhappy with the height of her first attempt, she then did another. Both are well done, good observation drawings of a difficult subject. And I think if she had not have told me that the first was too squat, I would never have realized!

Gym Bottle #1 by EM

Gym bottle #2 by EM

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