Good to see some of you sitting down over the weekend and taking up this challenge. Thank you for sending in the works, I really do enjoy seeing what you create for it.
First up is KB who struggled to find a yellow subject, but then just looked down to her feet at her favorite old house socks. As she says, they are 'a million years old and quite patchy and almost bald in places', but full of character. Created with Faber Castell Polychromo pencils on cartridge paper, her feet are well drawn and look comfortably cozy. Good use of sepia and blue grey to create tone without becoming overpowering and retaining a high key tonal range. Hints of darker yellow-orange to lift the yellow and emphasis form.

'Favorite socks' by KB
KB thought that she should also approach a more serious subject (why? socks are serious!) and did a second work to explore use of yellow. Another good drawing showing how to achieve different tonal ranges in the yellow hues, in this case using a more liner approach to create the yellow fill. Good work KB, but remember, as I am always banging on about, consider using blues or violets over yellow to create your greens before reaching for that 'Leaf Green' pencil.

'Flower study' by KB
Next up is KMcD who has expanded a banana drawing to include a lemon and grapefruit creating this happy, smiling still life. She has used the Derwent watercolor pencils in a range of yellows; zinc, lemon cadmium, gold primrose and cadmium. Shadows are created with raw sienna and light oranges. KMcD noted that the work was initially difficult as yellow is hard to see on white paper until you start to layer, but as you build up it really starts to pop.
And this drawing does pop! Done well and the composition smiles at you.

'Yellow Still Life' by KMcD
HFC has had a bit of a break from drawing recently, but my not-so-gentle coercion has brought her back to the drawing board. And so good to see! She says she is not totally happy with the result, but I see a well observed drawing of shape and form. The central striations and line work in the petals create a good effect. I think the background grey shading is a little bit rushed, but overall a nice drawing of a cheerful, yellow viola. Good to see you back!

'Yellow Viola' by HFC
Now, EM, you are not supposed to do the same drawing as me, and do it better! lol. Excellent work on this lemon. I especially like how you have taken it a step further by cutting one open to see the interesting interior structure. A beautiful little work.
EM has used: Paper A5 Eraldo di Paolo 225gsm wc paper. Faber Castel colors:
Lemons: Ivory (under all of the lemons) plus White, Cream, Light Yellow Glaze, Light Chrome Yellow, Dark Cadmium Yellow, Dark Chrome Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Light Yellow Ochre, Brown Ochre, Bistre, Dark Sepia and Dark Indigo.
Shadows: Dark Indigo plus Bistre.

'Lemons' by EM
And finally, SW has rejoined the party! She is doing a bit of catching up on the challenges and has sent me her 'Red' challenge that I think is well worth a look. It's an apt response to our Covid malaise. Done with color pencils EM has closely observed the fabric folds and highlights. Yellow is included in her range of hues to accentuate the red. Perhaps a bit more intensity of color and tonal contrast could be worked up into the drawing. It is a good drawing that explores folds and valleys in fabric.
'Red Mask' by SW
Artist of the Week: MARK SEABROOK
Check out Mark's delightful 'Soyfish' series... and his Hunters! Mixing period photos and movie stills with everyday objects and toys, they are delightfully irreverent.