Friday 3 September 2021

Covid #6: Yellow Challenge

Yellow! What's not to like? And SB has shown she has no fear by jumping right into the challenge with the first work submitted, a very creditable and delicious looking banana. She has used Derwent Studio Pencils, which are a good quality pencil with a wax feel. Studios have a thinner barrel than the Derwent Artist pencils but are essentially the same interior core. This is a good review on them HERE if you are looking for pencils to buy - these are a good economical option although the thinner barrel and core means large areas of color can be time consuming to lay down.

But as you can see from this smaller work by SB, the pencils work very well and have a great intensity of color. I really like the shape SB has drawn, as well the use of blending lighter yellow/green on the tips of the 'nanna works well and helps to create a solid form. Her choice of using browns and greys for the darker ends is well considered. The only comment I would make is that perhaps the cast shadow could have softer edges? But that is pretty nit-picky of me, this is an excellent drawing SB! And I love the title.

'Breakfast' by SB

Note: If you are in the market for color pencils, is a wonderful site to visit to help you to make a choice

Our second submission is another banana! This drawing comes from JH and she has used Carbethello Pastel pencils for this work. She has built up from: Ivory, Neutral yellow, Naples Yellow, Orange Yellow, Light Ochre, Burnt Ochre, Lamp Black and Cold Grey #4. Interestingly JH has also used a Prismacolor colorless blender to blend the hues together. I have never tried this with pastel pencils but it seems to have worked quite well in this drawing. I think you would need to be careful using it on something like a suede or velour pastel paper, but for a 'harder' paper it appears to be successful.

This too is a lovely study of a 'nanna. My only comment is that I would not have used so much Lamp Black - if any at all, as it is quite strong. It is rather overpowering in the cast shadow.  I would have tried Ultramarine 405 followed by Paynes Grey 770 first, then maybe touches of the Lamp Black. But this is a personal preference and does not fundamentally detract from this study. 

A good work JH, you should be very happy with this!

'Banana Yellow' by JH

A return to Refraction:

DH has been otherwise occupied over the past few weeks, but has finally had the opportunity to complete the 'Refraction' study of a couple of weeks back. It is such an interesting and good work I thought it was worth showing.

Some of DH's ovals are not quite right - pointy on top right, a bit off on the bottom right of the water level - but overall they are well observed and not too wrong. This is a complex drawing with many things happening, refractions through the water and the top rim, reflections in the glass, distortions of the tones through the water of the background, printing (on a curve!) on the flask. As well as an interesting and deceptively simple flask shape that is actually quite difficult to draw. 

I great drawing with good observation. Well done DH.

'Flask Refraction' by DH

And finally, I just want to bring to your attention that

Great Lock Down viewing of our Melbourne Peregrines atop the Mirvac building. She has a couple/three eggs and you can watch live-stream HERE 

Beautiful birds.

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