Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Completed Feline Demo

 The Serval Cat

It was such a disjointed class year in 2021. However, we did manage to have several weeks finally towards the end of the year together. In spite of the long Covid break, I decided to continue with the exercise of drawing a feline (any type of cat) using a limited palette plus graphite.

This is a great exercise to try as it helps to break you of the habit of expecting to find an exact color match in your pencils which can be nearly impossible. It also teaches you how to create vibrant, exciting dark browns and blacks without resorting to the dull and flat browns and black in your set.

I have had a work on the go for a number of years now as a demonstration piece showing this technique. Over the years in various classes and workshops I have worked through bits of this serval- the eyes, ears, hair, etc. Now, at last, she has been completed and I am rather pleased with the final result. I used Staedtler Karat Watercolor pencils - the four used were: #63 blue, #16 yellow ochre, #49 dark yellow ochre and #222 peach. To create the grey tones Staedtler 2mm techno pencils in 2H, HB, 2B and 4B with assistance from an F 'woodie'. You can see some pencil testing scribbles on the bottom right of the work.

It's rather fun to see the range of color and tones you can achieve with a limited palette and greys!

The Serval Cat by Linda Weil ©

I bet some of you who were in my workshop 6 years ago never thought I would complete this one! lol.

Have a safe and happy New Year all - see you in 2022!

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Christmas Greetings!

 Wishing you all the very best for the holiday season. Here's hoping for a bright, happy 2022!

Friday, 17 December 2021

January Workshop

Good news! The Pastel Pencil workshop, January 12/13 at the Victorian Artist's Society will be going ahead. There are still a few spots left, so don't think you have missed out, but go to the VAS website and book online to secure your place as soon as you can.

Pastel pencils are a wonderful drawing medium; they seem familiar to us the moment we pick them up and start to draw. They are a versatile medium, slightly softer than a traditional 'hard' pastel stick like conté but harder than a soft pastel round. As the pastel is encased in wood it makes it really easy to handle and use - with far less dust than soft pastels.

Although the workshop is branded as 'pets', the techniques I am teaching translate well to other genre. If you are a beginner in this medium, a good starter set is the Staedtler Mars pastel 6 pencil set -  available at Officeworks - in store or online. Additional colors will be available for you to borrow as required. A full list of requirements is provided to you when you book. The medium is great fun to use and I guarantee you will enjoy working with them.


'Glenda's Cat' by Linda Weil ©

Monday, 13 December 2021

The Biblio Art Prize

 A Weekend in Port Fairy

I have spent a glorious weekend in Port Fairy, Victoria, strolling the shops and market, walking on the beach and to the Lighthouse, sipping chai at Charlies, visiting friends... and of course, most importantly, viewing the Biblio Art Prize at Blarney Books and Art. 

What a fabulous exhibition of wide ranging styles and approach to each artist's assigned book. The Grand Prize winner is a marvelous diorama work by Dianne Jacono inspired by the novel 'Eye of the Rook' by Josephine Taylor. This work was my favorite in the exhibition so I was very pleased by Dianne's win. You can see the entire exhibition online HERE. Don't forget to vote for your favorite!

Although my entry did not gain a mention, it is a finalist and it is ideally positioned and is one of the first you see as you enter the gallery:

Pen and ink work inspired by 'Friends and Dark Shapes'; author Kavita Bedford
© Linda Weil 2021

The Biblio Art Prize show runs all summer, finishing at the end of February. If you can, I'd encourage you to make a trip to see this wonderful exhibition.


Of course, there is plenty to do in Port Fairy and environs. Places to visit on the way, like Tower Hill and Logan's Beach Whale nursery (we saw no whales, wrong season).

In Port Fairy itself we took a walk to the Lighthouse where I did a small sketch. Much to see on the walk there - wildlife like Black Wallaby, birds - especially the Short Tailed Shearwater as the island is a nesting sanctuary for these mutton birds - and of course, beautiful ocean views.

Port Fairy Lighthouse - image and sketch by Linda Weil ©

And on the way home, we detoured and took the long way home driving the top end of the Great Ocean Road. Stopping along the way to take in breathtaking views in places like the Bay of Islands. Photos cannot do this place justice.

Part of the stunning views at The Bay of Islands along The Great Ocean Road.
Image by Linda Weil ©

All in all, a fabulous weekend away! I hope I have inspired you to take a bit of a road trip this summer and visit Port Fairy and the Biblio Art Prize at Blarney Books and Art.

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Nice Things 2

 One of my Thursday Afternoon Drawing students is a Mosaic Artist. GW's drawings often reflect her interest in mosaic by using tonal blocks to create form and shape. She has an excellent eye for form, tone and color. GW presented to me one of her fabulous mosaic's as a Christmas gift. 

This lively cockatoo is done in specialized mosaic glass - GW did tell me and I think the term was 'smalti' glass. She buys large sheets of the glass direct from Italy and cuts it into the shapes she needs. A pains-taking and somewhat dangerous process! This type of glass doesn't fade or change color so is perfect for outdoor use. The designs she creates are her own and this cockatoo is part of her bird range of tiles. The tiles have holes in the sides and are made to attach to a garden trellis.

If anyone would like to see more of GW's mosaic works, please contact me via the menu right and I will put her in touch with you. They are very special works. Thank you GW!

'Cockatoo' by Gayle Whyte


More in my garden...

I am not a great gardener. And living in the Sand Belt it can be difficult to get things established and growing. I sort of have a 50/50 strike rate for seedlings surviving - even in our current wet spring.

But I have strawberries! Okay, only a few in a pot in a grow bag, and they are somewhat deformed, but I have strawberries! And they taste GREAT even if they look odd. It is a race to get to them before the blackbirds though.



The Biblio Art Prize opens this coming weekend in Port Fairy. There will be no opening event, but the exhibition will run from Saturday 11 December until the end of February. Why not take a short weekend break and visit the Great Ocean Road and Port Fairy? I will be in Port Fairy this weekend if you are in the area and would like to catch up. Let Jo know when you are there and she will contact me.

My entry this year is my response to the book 'Friends and Dark Shapes' by the Australian author, Kavita Bedford.

Artwork for 'Friends and Dark Shapes' Linda Weil

Blarney Books and Art

37 James Street Port Fairy, Victoria 3284

5568 2174

0437 754847

insta:     blarneybooksandart

email:    jo@blarneybooks.com.au

December Opening Hours:

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sun 11am - 5pm.

Closed: 18-28 December.

January Opening Hours:
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat  11am - 5pm.

Monday, 29 November 2021

Nice Things.

 Mt. Beauty '4 ways to Draw' Workshop

I had a delightful weekend up in Victoria's High Country with the Mt. Beauty Art Group running an intensive workshop covering four different mediums and ways to draw. The ladies spoiled me rotten with good food, lots of laughs and attentive drawing. The weather was pretty good, a touch windy, but it's a lovely green spring time up there.

View behind the workshop building overlooking 'The Pondage'

#1: Drawing water and waves in graphite with blending techniques, demo.

#2: Victorian Building or Architectural drawing in ink pens, demo.

#3: Pets/Animals in Pastel Pencil on sanded paper, demo.

#4: Limited hue drawing, 4 colors plus graphite, demo.


Secret Santa!

I don't know who it was, but somebody left a lovely gift at the VAS office for me yesterday. This beautiful 'Birds of Merri Creek' calendar is put together by the Friends of Merri Creek group and features stunning photography by the local photographer, Adi Tudor. The gift was presented in a very pretty tote bag made by 'Joanne, The Bag Lady'.

Both items are greatly appreciated and Thank You Secret Santa!


A bargain...

I also snuck into the Watercolor Society meeting last night where the fabulous Herman Pekel was giving a talk and demonstration. I couldn't stay to hear Herman, but I did score this fabulous bargain - a set of Chinese Calligraphy brushes for only $5! It looks like some wolf/weasel hair, goat or sheep, and maybe a pony hair... hard to tell exactly and but cannot wait to try them out.

Fantastic new Chinese brushes!


Last, but certainly not least...

Don't forget that the Still Life Prize at Tacit opens tomorrow! Maybe I'll see you there...

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Linden Postcard Show!

I'm part of the Linden Postcard Show 2021-22! Join me for the virtual opening on Friday 3 December 2021 to celebrate over 1,000 mini masterpieces in the Linden Postcard Show. Linden will go live on YouTube and Facebook from 6PM to announce this year's prize winners and launch online art sales. 

Booking here

Exhibition continues until Sunday 27 February 2022

@linden_new_art @LindenNewArt #lindenpostcardshow #virtualopening #melbourneartist #melbourneartprize #melbourneartgallery #artprize #liveEvent

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

January Workshop

Pet Portraits Workshop

Drawing with Pastel Pencil
12 & 13 January, 2022
10:00am - 3.30 pm
Victorian Artist Society

Pastel pencils are a wonderful medium to use as a drawing tool; they seem familiar to us the moment we pick them up and start to draw. Slightly softer than a traditional ‘hard’ pastel stick, but harder than a ‘soft’ pastel, the pastel is encased in a wood pencil making it easy to handle and use. Because the pastel is in a pencil format they can be sharpened like an ordinary pencil, and you have greater control for fine detail work. If you are like me and suffer from asthma or find the dusty mess of soft pastels annoying, you will love the clean feel of these pencils. As you are not directly handling the pigments you stay much cleaner the dust factor is greatly reduced. Traditionally used for adding detail to a soft pastel work, pastel pencils achieve stunning results when used on their own. They are an easy and flexible way to draw and a joy to use.

Have you a beloved pet or a favorite animal that you would just love to draw? Here is your opportunity to create a touching memory of your cherished animal friend in pastel pencil. Over the two days we will focus on technique and composition of an animal portrait in this medium. Emphasis will be on the study of eyes, noses and features including drawing fur or feathers, culminating in a completed A3 work suitable for framing to keep or gift.

Open to all levels. Detailed demonstrations of techniques with one-on-one tuition.

Book through VAS HERE

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Exhibitions are on again!

After so many months of isolation Lock Down, suddenly the exhibition Road Show is starting again! Please come visit any or all of these shows to see some of my works on display. Mark them in your diary and enjoy a summer of great art.


Mavis Little Artist of the Year 2021

Exhibition dates: 12 - 29 November 2021
Opening Night: 16 November 2021 at 7pm

Victorian Artist Society: Frater, Hammond and McCubbin Galleries.

This impressive exhibition features artworks by select Victorian Artist Society artists, who have been invited to participate after receiving the highest number of votes from their peers. This is a prestigious and much sought after award and I am  honored to be included in this year's finalists.

Information: VAS




 Biblio Art Prize 2021-22

Exhibition dates: 11 December 2021 to late February 2022
Blarney Books and Art, 37 James Street, Port Fairy Victoria 3284

Artists are invited to submit works, in any medium that respond to the book they have been allocated by Blarney Books and Art. Books this year have been pre-selected from Australian novels which have been published since March 2020.

This will be my fourth showing as a finalist at the Biblio Art Prize and the book I have illustrated for this year is 'Friends and Dark Shapes' by Kavita Bedford.


 Linden Postcard Show 2021-22
31st edition

Exhibition dates: 4 December 2021 to 27 February 2022

With over 1,000 mini masterpieces to see, every work measuring exactly 8 x 10" this  exhibition includes work by artists at all stages of their career from across Australia. It is an exhibition that is a must for your Summer calendar.
Information: HERE

'Rathopter' by Linda Weil

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Openings and Closings...

 The 2021 Maritime Art Prize closes this Sunday, November 14. The People's Choice award will be given on Monday evening, so voting will still be open until that morning of the presentation.

Have you had a chance to view the exhibition and vote yet? The exhibition is virtual only this year and can be viewed HERE. Please have a look - it is a great show. And don't forget to vote for your favorite work by emailing via the gallery website: VOTE 

And don't forget they have a great RAFFLE running as well with some very seaworthy prizes!

'Voyage of the Maelstrom'; Highly Commended, Maritime 2021 by Linda Weil

'Moby'; Finalist, Maritime 2021 by Linda Weil


And Opening Night this coming Tuesday, 16 November at 7pm is the Mavis Little Artist of the Year 2021 in the VAS Frater, Hammond and McCubbin Galleries. (12-29 Nov).

This impressive exhibition features artworks by select Victorian Artist Society artists, who have been invited to participate after receiving the highest number of votes from their peers. This is a prestigious and much sought after award and I am really honored to be included in this year's finalists.

Thank you to all my supporters/peers who voted for me during the year and I hope you are able to come view the show between 12 - 29 November, 2021. Maybe I will see you on Opening Night!


'Springtime'; One of the three exhibits by Linda Weil showing at the VAS AOTY

Friday, 5 November 2021

Artist of the week: Richard Saunders

 I am looking forward to catching up with you all next week in class, at last. Those of you who I am in contact with will have received your class list - if you have not done so please use the contact button on the right and let me know and I will forward it to you.

Our theme is felines; cats of any sort, large or small, domestic or wild! And to get you in the mood, check out these cat works, a rather special concept by the UK Surrealist artist Ricard Saunders. GW put me on to his work and his topiary cats are really rather fun. Have a look at the website to see some very large green cats and watch Richard talk about his Topiary Cat concept: HERE My favorite is the cat lying on the beach. 

You can also see the official slideshow HERE

And while you are enjoying Richard's Topiary Cat, don't neglect to visit his website HERE and view some of his stunning surrealist works.

Thanks GW for introducing us all to this artist.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Class News plus FINAL INKTOBER 2021

 It is good news! Announcing that all classes will resume this November!

VAS: Monday November 8 - Monday December 13.
4-6.30pm (6 weeks)

MMAG: Thursday November 11 - December 2.
1.30 - 3.30pm, and 7.30 - 9.30pm (4 weeks)

If you need to confirm attendance, defer your attendance or wish to book a place, you must contact the Art Group via the links above.  I look forward to seeing you all again soon.

With that bit of good news to start your morning, I must also remind you that to attend any of these classes you must be fully vaccinated, have the appropriate Vaccination certificate on your phone or in hard copy available for recording, and sign in using the app or hard copy. You are also required to wear a properly fitted mask through out the class (no noses to be seen!) as well as maintain the 1.5metre distance.

These are requirements mandated by the Government and both VAS and MMAG are required to comply with the same.


So with that in mind, my final drawing for Inktober is #31 Risk. To be precise,
Avoiding the Risk:

#31 Risk, by Linda Weil

It has been a journey this Inktober! Sometimes it was really difficult to come up with an idea for the prompt. Other days, during the height of the lock down it was hard to stay motivated enough to do a work every day and I think that shows in some of the more half-hearted of my attempts. But I did it!

And you did too! Thank you to all of you the contributed and followed along. It was great to see your works and the different ways you each interpreted the prompt.


Although this is the final day, I hope to see some more of your Inktober works in the coming few days before class resumes. I will post them here as usual - which brings me to EM and her rather special little work for #30 Slither/#31 Risk. Breaking the fourth wall, she slithers and slides down the slope with UNIpin fineliners, some Caran d'Ache water soluble crayon in a black/purple wash for the outside of the box, red UNI Posca pen acrylic in the pants and Uniball Signo white gel ink in the pen itself.

This is a fun drawing! Well done EM.

A Risky Slither by EM

Friday, 29 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #30 Slither

 Penultimate Ink!

With all the spring rains, my garden is very damp. As a result it is party time for the the snails and slugs. So many slugs and snails this year, nothing seems to discourage them. And every morning the slugs leave silvery, glittering trails over the concrete as they slither their way home after feasting on my seedlings.

Inktense pencils, Staedtler pigment liners, Faber Castell metallic (silver) watercolor pencil.

Slither by Linda Weil


EM has used fineliners, bronze ink gel and Inktense pencils for this Patch depicting an ice cream cone that will be sewed onto fabric to make a quilt. Very pretty - the drawing and the quilt.

Patch by EM


And DH has drawn a spark plug for Spark! He was a little worried about the symmetry due to the angle of the subject, but I cannot see any real issue at all. Its a very good free-hand ink drawing, created using fine liner pens, with some graphite. The colored spark was added with a nib pen and liquid ink.

I think its a great drawing!

Spark by DH

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #29 Patch

 As it is almost Halloween, I thought immediately of a Pumpkin Patch for this prompt. So although it is the wrong growing season here for these orange Jack O'Lantern pumpkins they were colorful and fun to draw. I used Inktense pencils washed to blend hues and tones, then the Staedtler Fineliner pens.

(Pumpkin) Patch by Linda Weil


This work by GW I am especially pleased about. GW has had no previous experience with ink and she asked for some assistance as without in person classes she was unsure where to begin. I sent her some hints, pen recommendation (Staedtler) and some work sheets on different ways to create tone and texture with pens. She sat down and did some home work then created this patchwork quilt in a log cabin design using each of the different pen widths and types of textures. Clever, innovative and a great idea well executed!

Patch (work quilt) by GW


OLE also has Halloween on her mind. Once again she has been exploring the ink settings in her drawing program and has created this work based on the character of Sally in Tim Burtons great animation film 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. You are really starting to excel with this digital work OLE.


And EM has been out and about enjoying a coffee and crispy (#28) Biscotti - open coffee shops at last! She has used Inktense pencils and black fineliner for this work.

Crispy by EM


JM has sent in this work that she says could work for two prompts, #25 Splat and #31 Risk - because any fly that buzzes into her kitchen risks getting splatted fairly quickly! She created the work with Inktense pencils, graphite pencil and black ink fineliner. Rather good! 

Splat Risk! by JM


Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #28 Crispy

Guess what I had for breakfast!

Crispy by Linda Weil


JH is dreaming of travel again now that we are 'Open'... and was reminded of this cute sign she saw outside a hotel in Amboise, France. She did this in Inktense pencils with some Derwent watercolor pencil highlights on hot press paper.

Open by JH


And more 'Open' news - ALL classes will return in November. If you have not yet received notification from the art group contact MMAG or VAS to confirm your spot. Please contact them directly (not me).

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #27 Spark

 I'm no Michangelo, but his image of The Creation with the Spark of Life always has inspired me, so I thought I would do a study of the hands in this work. It was tricky to do in ink and the result is not quite proportionally correct, but it was an interesting study to do. To try and follow The Master's style, get the same shapes and proportions and then create the shading using cross hatching. The cracks in the plaster seemed to emulate sparks as well.

When I saw the Sistine Chapel frescos I cried, they are so beautiful. I hope to return to Rome someday to visit them again - I did throw a coin into the fountain so here is hoping!

Spark (after Michangelo) by Linda Weil


EM has submitted this work for Spark - a very nice composition and arrangement of elements.

Spark by EM


And remember that Strawberry Ice Cream Cone? - well it seems that Buddy may have been the one who dropped it! lol - SW tells me that Strawberry is Buddy's favorite flavor and he was most distraught.

Splat by SW


Monday, 25 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #26 Connect

 I was in a bit of a quandary over this one, until I noticed the cord/plug thingie connecting my computer to the power that connects me to the world!

Connect by Linda Weil


EM sent in this somewhat frightening and grim image of Extinct:

Extinct (Life Nearly Extinct) by EM

And a smaller scale tragedy for Splat:

Splat by EM

And EM shows us all the different ways we can and have connected, past and present:

Connect by EM

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #25 Splat

 Well, strawberry was never my favorite flavor anyway.

Splat! by Linda Weil


Here is a very interesting design and thought from KM on #19  Loop. She did this with Faber Castell and Trombone pens.

Loop by KM

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Inktober 2021: #24 Extinct

Extinct. A few of you found this prompt exciting and sent your work in a well before the deadline! It is a prompt that inspires many different ways of expression.

I chose to illustrate one of the most famous cases of man-made extinction, The Dodo. 

Extinct (The Dodo) by Linda Weil


We haven't seen GW post for Inktober before, but this prompt inspired her to create a drawing that works on two levels. As she says it illustrates: 'A current desire to make politicians extinct and the vulnerability of koalas under their power'. With rising seawater flooding Canberra's Parliament House to illustrate climate change and the stranding of the last koala it is a strong work and statement.

It is her first time drawing in ink and done using a blue Artline 200 fine liner 0.4.

Extinct by GW

KB's drawing for this theme is a rather friendly looking portrait of a Sauropoda dinosaur. As KB says, 'He was fun to draw' and he has an engaging way of looking back at us.

Extinct by KB


OLE has taken a different route and created a Digital Ink drawing showing a fearsome Extinction Warrior. You really don't want to mess around with this guy!

Extinct by OLE


And to end on a lighter note, we have this submission from EM illustrating a different type of Leak.

Leak by EM


Keep these drawings flowing in folks! It's the weekend, so surely you can find an hour or two to draw one of the prompts from 22 - 31? I am sure one of them will inspire you!