Tuesday 15 February 2022


When I was in my early teens, I spent a lot of time making things with clay and Papier Mâché; figurines, dioramas, puppets - that kind of thing.  I had forgotten how much fun clay is to work with!

This is Wally. He is based on my dear artist friend, Mignon Parker's pet flop ear bunny. Sadly, Wally recently had a fatal encounter with a fox. Wally was a special bunny, very cheeky with lots of personality and quite distinctive markings. He also had a partiality for bananas, but my attempts at sculpting this fruit resulted in obscene looking failures, so I have given him a nice big carrot to munch on instead.

'Wally' by Linda Weil©
Staedtler FIMO airdry clay, Acrylic paint and ink, Staedtler FIMO gloss varnish, on stained and varnished pinewood slice.


And here was a nice surprise! My little Echidna won a Third Place Prize at the VAS Summer exhibition! Now, there was not a large field of sculptures entered, but the judge, Lee Machelak said some very nice and encouraging things to me about the work.

 I will have to continue working and studying this medium. Better results can be achieved, and I would like to place a resulting work against a wider field of sculptors to see how it fares. But, I am quite pleased to have won an award for this little work as I thought he came out quite well.

'Echidna', 3rd Prize (right) and 'Hugo' (left) by Linda Weil© 

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