Sunday 14 June 2020

Drawing Prompt Week 8

Theme: Pet

Cat, dog, horse, fish, bird, reptile... your pet, your pet as a child, you kid's pet snake, your neighbors cat, your parent's dog - this week's theme is to draw a favourite companion animal.
I know several of you have been working on a similar work already on your own, so if you wish to show what you are working on, finished or as a Work In Progress (WIP), then please feel free to submit that as this week's work. Or if you have completed a work with this theme just waiting to be shown, then here is your chance to display it.
If you are going to start a new work for this week, I would suggest that you try a toned paper again, with a limited or single palette of colour. You could use colour pencil, or pastel pencils. But this is not a requirement and if you choose to use graphite or colour pencil on white paper or any other medium go for it and enjoy!

'Kitten' by Linda Weil
'Kitten' was drawn on Mi-Tiens Tex sanded paper, black, using white pencil, white pastel pencil and soft white pastel with blue, yellow and green colour pencil in the eyes. This simple drawing took about an hour to complete. 

'Girl' by Linda Weil
'Girl' was drawn on Art Spectrum Suede paper with soft pastels. This was a 4 - 5 hour work.

'Holly' by Linda Weil
'Holly' was drawn on Art Spectrum Suede paper with soft pastels. This was a 5-6 hour work


  1. These are beautiful Linda! I really like the look of white pencil on black paper.
