Sunday 3 May 2020

Drawing Prompt: Week 2 - May 4, 2020

Singin' the Blues

Prompt Theme: Blue
Has this lock-down got down and feeling the blues?
Don't be sad, be Indigo, turquoise, cyan, sapphire, ultramarine, cobalt, azure, sky blue, cerulean, perriwinkle, teal... blue is such a lovely colour with so many rich hues. Cool tones, ice blues, warming up to violets. It can be cheerful like a summer sky, or soulfull like a Billie Holliday song. So this week, let your pencils sing as everything you do will be blue!

The Challenge: Channel your inner Bower Bird
Have you ever seen the inside of a Bower Bird's nest? The male collects and displays as many different blue objects as he can to attract that special lady to come visit. Your task this week is to search your house and find between 3 to 12 different blue items, arrange them in a pleasing composition and then draw them from 'life'.
Your items can be anything you like, jewllery, glass, flowers, fruit (blueberries!), fabrics - whatever catches your eye. But try to have at least one shiny thing, one round thing and one soft thing if you can. Choose your favourite medium, as long as it is blue it doesn't matter. I have used watersoluble pencils in wash and dry technique for my example.
Suggested playlist while you work: Tammy Neilsen 'Chicka Boom', Nina Simon 'Nina's Blues', Roy Orbison 'Mean Woman Blues',  Billie Holiday 'Blue Moon', John Lee Hooker 'Frisco Blues', Willie Nelson 'Blue Skies, Blind Wille Johnson 'John the Revelator'. Enjoy!

My blue set up - I raided my sewing box, bag of marbles and ribbon drawer.

Staedler Karat Aquarelle pencil, Blue non-reproducing Staedler pencil, HB and 2B Staedler Clutch pencil. Shapes were lightly sketched with a light blue (not Aquarelle) pencil first. Aquarelle pencil in various blues was placed paying attention to shape and surface of each item. This layer was gently worked with water to move and slightly washed. Once dry, more colour pencil was added in the dry state and not washed. To finish, a touch of HB and 2B graphite added as required to add some tone to the hues.

Additional or alternative challenge
Draw anything you like, in any medium, on a blue background.

'A Bit of Old Rope' - Pastel Pencils on Art Spectrum Blue Suede paper.
(don't step on those shoes!)

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