Sunday 24 May 2020

Drawing Prompt Week 5

Welcome to Week 5

Officially the half-way point in Term 2, thank you to all who have joined in. Remember, if you have been 'lurking' you can join in at any time. You don't need to do a drawing every week (although it is great if you do and you get extra brownie points), but you can just draw the prompts that interest you if you like. And this weeks prompt is...drum roll please...

Once again how you interpret this and in what medium you choose is totally up to you. But remember, it doesn't have to be birds. Many things fly, bats, insects, balloons, airplanes, leaves and dandalion fluff in the wind. So many choices!
If you choose to draw a bird however and want some pointers on creating bird shapes and how a bird works I can highly recommend John Muir Laws as someone you should look at. His website has helpful information and a great page on bird drawing here. There is even a printable worksheet! Remember, start with your basic shapes first, then work up the drawing from a solid foundation.

Build up your image from basic shapes - Fairy Wren demonstration

Experiment with a different medium this week perhaps. I have been drawing birds for many years, one of my first published drawings was this Black Honeyeater done in black ink on drafting film in a pointilism style way back in 1992.

Or perhaps you would like to try some white on black? This Cockatoo was drawn using white watercolour pencil, Faber Castell Pitt pastel pencil in white and yellow and finally soft white Art Spectrum pastel on Mi-Tiens Tex sanded surface paper. It was a workshop demonstration piece created in under two hours.

Maybe just some feathers? Watercolour pencils in wash and dry technique with Stadtler Mars graphite overdrawing on Lana Hot Press 300gsm paper. If you wish, send me an email via the contact button on the right and I can forward to you a pdf worksheet on drawing feathers.

But as I said above, it doesn't have to be birds! You can make ANYTHING fly!
'Blue Tacks' by Linda Weil 2019


  1. These are lovely Linda, and very inspirational!

  2. Thank you Laurene - hope you were inspired!
