Monday 31 August 2020

Week 16: CursedGirl & Silke

The final two submissions for Ornament show some real imagination and creativity! 

Cursed Girl

Drawn from her imagination using 4H and B graphite pencils on smooth card paper, CursedGirl has created a whimsical image of snowglobe. I have to congratulate Cursed Girl on her circles and oval shapes as she assures me they were all created freehand. Wish I had been able to draw circles like this at 16 - it took me twice as long as that to master them! She has thought about the shape and form and how the reflections would play on the glass globe and base to create the highlights and darks. The reindeer is very sweet, although I would like to see a little more shading and form on him. But stylistically the outline approach works well in this drawing. As I said, this is totally from CursedGirls imagination and she has done an outstanding job translating that to the paper. She tells me that although she is fairly happy with her result, it doesn't quite live up to her vision... but isn't that true for all of us? Keep drawing and striving CG, you will get closer to your vision every day.

'Snowglobe' by CursedGirl


Silke has been dreaming and remembering her travels across Europe with her partner. Using Lego and a variety of small toys Silke created a still life memory of their trip to draw. Drawing from 'life' in the Stilman + Bern sketchbook, she has used Poloychormo pencils to create the image. It is a playful work that tells us a story of happier times when we could all travel freely. Some nice colour work Silke, don't be hesitant about layering more complimentary colours first: yellows under the reds, blues under greens, violets under blues and blacks. Layers can create richer hues than pure pencil colour.
This drawing is a lot of fun, and although like CG above Silke says it didn't exactly come out the way she wanted it to it is still very enjoyable to look at. A delightful response to the prompt.

'Lego Travelling' by Silke

*Please note that submissions for Week 16 are now closed. Why not join us for Week 17?*

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